How to make Gundruk and sinki(dried green leaves and vegies which can last for years)

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How to make Gundruk and sinki ( dried green leaves and vegies which can last for years)

I. Gundruk

Take fresh green leaves plucked from the garden

Sun dried for a day or two

Pack them tightly in a container with air-tight lid

Containers stand for a week or more until the leaves takes upon natural fermentation process due to lactic acid bacteria

After a thorough fermentation, take the whole contents of the container and spread out on a thin plastic sheet and sun-dried it fully for several days,

Then store it in containers

Gundruk is ready

II. Sinki (you can take mula or kauli - Raddish or Cauliflower)

Break or cut vegetables into small pieces and spread them in son for several days

Store it in air tight container until the leaves takes upon natural fermentation process due to lactic acid bacteria.

After a thorough fermentation take it out and spread it out in the sun and let it dry

Sinki is ready to cook.

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